Today is my Birthday, November 30! Hey, it is my birthday and I chose to be lazy and waste my day the way I wanted to; Relaxing! Ok, it helps to have my Birthday on a Sunday.
I am now Thirty-Five years old. The OLD part, I wish I didn't have to feel. Thirty-Five is another milestone in my life. I am happy that I am old enough to know something, but still young enough to enjoy my life.
I had a good 35 years, I still wish I can look and feel 23 again. But I know that is not going to happen in this life time. Hopefully, in the next life. I have a lot of good memories, some sad memories and a few memories I wish I didn't have. That is all part of life. I choose to focus on all the good memories. I will have many new memories to come.
Top 10 list; This is one Birthday weekend I am not going to be able to forget.
10. Losing Lindsay in the Mall.
9. Lindsay telling everyone all weekend long it is my birthday and adding another year on each time. I think we ended at 45, when I told her I am not 45.
8. Lindsay and Ryan singing loud, "Happy Birthday!" all weekend long.
7. Ryan reminding me I am 30 years older than Lindsay.
6. Eating at the Cheesecake Factory for my Birthday and NOT being sung to. Thanks to the other Melissa being sung to at the table across from us.
5. Lindsay telling me I can have anything here at the mall, her treat. Then going up to Dan and asked him for his credit card.
4. Having my Birthday on a Sunday; means I can Relax.
3. Taking a nap and Lindsay quietly singing to me and cuddling with me.
2. Dan, Ryan and Lindsay cleaned the whole house while I was taking a long nap.
1. Dan made my favorite cake; Lemon Jello Cake.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Happy 35th Birthday
Sunday, November 23, 2008
We made it the rest is A Piece of Cake!
On November 24, 2007 Dan and I were sealed to our two silly monkeys. We accepted the mission to survive together as a happy family. It has not been an easy year, but what family doesn't have their struggles or challenges. Our struggles and challenges just had a little bit of adjustment to figure out and of course dealing with Reactive Attachment Disorder.We are excited to share our lives with two silly monkeys; Ryan and Lindsay and be a forever family. We want to Thank all of our family and friends who have been a wonderful support system for our family. It is nice to hear the phrase, "That is Normal."
I can't believe our silly monkeys have been with us for two years and officially one year as a family. They are excited to be in a big family with lots of cousins, Aunts, Uncles, and Grandparents. When our families get together; they have a blast with all their cousins. We can't believe it has been two years already.
Things are getting better and our family is slowly becoming a stable home for Ryan and Lindsay. Both kids are trying really hard to move forward and trust that we will not give up on them. This is another New Year for us to work even harder to over come any new or old challenges. We survived the 1st year; the rest is A Piece of Cake! Just kidding.
Enjoy the photos; of our day at he Temple a year ago. Wow, how they can grow up too fast.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween!!!
Lindsay and Ryan have been excited about Halloween for months. Is it the Candy, or the Customes? Trick or Treating for Candy was in first, then coming in Second the Customes, and dead last Parties! They were happy to dress up and eat candy, candy, candy and more candy. Yeah for them. Not good for us.It was not easy for them to only choose one custome. They wanted several customes. For Ryan he was choosing between the Hulk, Jedi, Iron Man, or Transformer? And for Lindsay she was choosing between Tinker Bell, Sleeping Beauty, Butterfly, Lady bug, or all the Princess dresses you can find? They finally chosen their costume. Lindsay decided to be Sleeping Beauty. Ryan wanted to be Iron Man.
Candy is our worst enemy this time of year. Thank goodness for the Three Day Rule. That is Right! Candy is only good for Three Days and then we have to throw it out. That is right, again! Of course, we don't throw it all away. We give some away, hide some for later and Dan eats some too! We can't let it all go to waste. It is a visual for the kids and they don't hassel us for the Candy. They know it is gone. Our kids love to have a surprise later; when it is not expected. They don't realize it is from Halloween.