Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What? I have to read the manual to be a Father!

Dan is a wonderful father. He enjoys being a big kid himself and teasing our two kids. He is my equal and also deserves the title Mr. Mom. We share the duties of taking care of our kids. He only has the kids a few hours before they go to bed, but his job ends up being protector through out the night and the Hero of scaring the monsters out of our kids rooms. He thinks my job is hard being with the kids all day and taking care of some daily task with no sleep. He too is on no sleep.
The kids enjoy having a father. He is the only real father they have really known. He spends time with them each night taking care of baths, homework, and bed time stories. Once the kids are in bed; he switches gears and becomes the husband I married who does little things for me around the house. Whether it is finishing up the dishes, putting away the laundry, and doing odds and end cleaning around the house and outside. He enjoys finding a way to put a smile on my face.
He is an amazing man and will always be my one true love. I want to thank him on taking this detour of having a family in a different way. He has a lot of patience with these kids. He is always willing to step in and help me out.
Jumping into fatherhood with two older children is a lot hard than having an new born. He jumped in as quickly as he can and on the way learned a lot from watching Super Nanny, reading Super Nanny books and his own experience being the eldest of eight. Dan always joked that our kids came with a manual; we just have to find out which Super Nanny episode it was on. We love him and we know he is a keeper as a friend, husband and a father.


Becky said...

Wow Dan, after all tht you clean up too!!!! You are a very lucky one Melissa. Both of your hard work and sacrificing for your kids will pay off. Happy father's Day Dan. Love ya!

Amanda said...

You two will always continue to be my inspiration to continue doing the job I do. You are amazing! Thank you, thank you, thank you for deceiding to become parents in your own way. I love being able to "check in" and see the kids. They are beautiful & lucky to have you. Amanda

Mad Queen said...

What, he does dishes and helps out around the house... just what are you trying to do to the rest of the husbands out there who are regular? Didn't know there was a "super hubby" out there. You are one lucky lady.