Friday, February 22, 2008

The snow keeps coming down.

We have been having snow storm after snow storm. The kids have been excited to go out side in the snow. They were acting as if it was a day at the beach. Lindsay wanted to wear her swim suit instead of getting dressed up in warmer clothes; she was too hot to wear her jacket. When she came in she said, "Mom I told you I will get wet. Now, I have to change my clothes".

If you are not careful....You might get hit with a snowball.

"We didn't throw the snowball in the house. Our hands are clean."

They want you to think they are just innocent and full of gigles.

1 comment:

Mad Queen said...

Love the snow pictures! Your kids outfits are darling... very festive. That is one of the cool things about living in Utah.. you get 4 true seasons! Seasons are the best. Looks like you are enjoying your family. Good job Mom!